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Called ’make-think-speak’, the curatorial intention of David Pledger (NYID) was to apply a dramaturgical trajectory across artistic, social and political contexts and to support the participants in understanding the complicity of the artist in each of these contexts. This understanding enables the artist to take control of their participation in each context and positively influence outcomes. 

The question that resonated most deeply throughout the platform was: ”what would it look like if artists themselves designed and drove the platforms, frames and structures that supported their needs?”


​The two-week lab opened up collaborations with Canberra's resident intellectuals from CSIRO and Australian National University to present their work and stimulate the artists to consider their practice in new ways and in broader contexts. CSIRO scientist Brian Walker and landscape architect Dr Susan Boden (ANU) spoke of resilience & stability and narrative film and architecture. 


ARTISTS AND COLLABORATORS: Loren Kronemyer (WA), William McBride (VIC), Shona Erskine (WA), Alice Dixon (VIC), Matt Shillcock (SA), Daisy Sanders (WA), Liz Lea (ACT) and Alison Plevey (ACT) with Ella-Rose Threw (WA) and Olivia Fyfe (ACT).


GUEST SPEAKERS: Brian Walker - a scientist of ecology and resilience in social ecological systems. He was Chief of Australia’s CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology for 15 years and is now a Fellow in their Land and Water Flagship.

Dr Susan Boden - a modernist trained, positivist landscape architect who is also trained and works in the chaos of a medical general practice. Her PhD was in landscape and narrative film.


PUBLICATION: This years Writer in Residence Zsuzsi Soboslay spends time with the artists in process and reflects on the lab and public sharing in 'Art, empathy and risk' published in RealTime Magazine as well as 'Strange Attractor at Gorman Arts Centre looks at role of choreography in art world' in the Canberra Times.


PUBLIC EVENT: Launch 'David Pledger is Running for Office - Minister for Empathy'

In the context of the 2016 Federal Election, artist David Pledger(dp) will launch a durational artwork in the form of a campaign, where he seeks election for various offices in multiple contexts over a number of years.

dp asks how should artists and politicians behave in a time when civil society and political culture are profoundly disconnected ? What is an artist? What is a politician? And what kind of politician might an artist be?

The Campaign Launch in Canberra sets the tone for a new style of art-making and politicking based around the idea of ‘conversation’ as an artistic mode.


Where: Ainslie+Gorman Arts Centres, Main Hall
When: 22 June 7.30pm



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